Friday, December 7, 2007

Changing Tradition

On Wednesday and Thursday late afternoons we used our usual teacher English class time to discuss student grading and grading systems with small groups of teachers. Both of our co-teachers were present and explained the technical stuff in Spanish. We just forget what information and experience we have about how systems operate.

Explaining what appears to be fairly simple grading systems is a total revelation to teachers here. I had a summary of all grades given for the second grading period on a spreadsheet. One of the teachers inquired as to why I would make up such an example. She was in total shock to find out that nothing was made up and it was a picture of what the staff had collectively just done.

Change in a fast moving society is a challenge. Change in a very traditional society is a shock. There is immediate fear of what the reaction of the "powers that be" will be. A control of the tradition by this fear is a huge factor to deal with. Again, we might be learning more than we are teaching.

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