Sunday, March 23, 2008

Good Friday In Quito

We had not thought of Easter activity when we went to Quito. We found that on Good Friday there was a huge processional in the Old Town part of Quito. The pictures in this posting and one more to follow are from this event. Readers better versed in Catholic tradition will have to inform us as to the significance of the pointed hats with only the eyes showing. This is our first experience with this. A wide variety of "cross carriers" were included in the 45 minute parade. We say 45 minutes because we were at the very beginning. As the procession wound through the streets, it often came to a halt. Pictures posted tomorrow will show the lengthy route. Some crosses were so heavy that those carrying them were struggling at the start. We wonder how several miles of this would be possible

There a number of "groups" that wore different colored "cap and gowns". Again, we ask readers familiar with this to indicate the significance.

The great number of people who turn out to watch this event provided a golden opportunity for some in the crowd to increase their wealth. I fell victim to this. Now I get to replace all my credit cards, licence, etc. not to mention a new wallet. Thinking about this afterward, one can think of dozens of precautions that could have been taken to reduce the pick-pocket activity. Oh well, a lesson learned after being a bit lighter with cash!

Other than the one bad experience, it was a good trip. We are now ready for the final two months of work.

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