Friday, April 4, 2008

A change of Heart

It has been interesting to note the change of attitude of our junior high and high school students. Seems that being called to a meeting of all your teachers and your parents can bring "the fear of God" to students.
The degree of "on task" has risen significantly in the last two days. Now we will see how long this lasts. Secondly, bad class room habits are so firmly entrenched that it will take the remainder of the school year to begin to change some very bad habits.
All we can say is that it is a good start. Teachers appreciate the new attitude and can see that they do have the power to bring about change. This point is very significant because I heard tones of despair for much of the school year until now. We hope we can eventually kill the "well what can we do?" attitude of teachers.


Anonymous said...

I am sure it good to see you work is not all in vain.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff! "I thought you could, I thought you could." Even so, we got to give God the credit don't we? There is no question. You are His instruments at this time for that place! Thank you. Love, Eldon and Phyllis