Saturday, May 3, 2008

Puyo "County Fair" Part II

Food is always a good place to start. The picture above was our lunch. Beans, banana chips, tuna, corn, tomato, onion with lemon and a bit of aiji (strong spice) The plate was good enough for the both of us. Cost $2. When is the last time you filled up at the fair for a dollar a person!!

We don't just walk around looking for good-looking young gals. This one was a former short term English student when we volunteered at a private tutors home for a week or two. She was handling out bank calendars.

Families here, as is the case most places, enjoy the fair. Kids have to eat the goodies.

The little guys can always have all the fun they need with an open water hose. Two open hoses is double the fun.

The picture above is a lot of bull. We were impressed with the size and bulk of the animals since little or no grain is fed to them. Grass and other green plants are plentiful, however.

There has been recent rebuilding of some of the structures at the fairgrounds. This cattle barn is in excellent condition.

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