Friday, September 14, 2007

That Amazing Shower Head

We have just finished the second week of school. This week went much faster now that we are in a rountine. Some of the rountine is welcome and there are a few things we are still trying to adjust to. Everyday another Spanish word or two become a part of the vocabulary. I figure at the current rate I will be fluent when I am about 100. MJ says she will be 120. How is that for progress?

Speaking of adjustments; the flash heater shower head is at the top of the list. There are few hot water heaters here as we know them. Here in town the shower head that is about 6 inches in diameter and contains a heating element is the standard shower device. The concept is to not waste electrcity or water and to have minimal cost of installation. The concept has trouble being converted to reality. First, water pressure kicks on the heating element. We live in a complex with two apartments and a main house. Somebody is always using water. So one minute the pressure "turn on" works and the next minute it doesn't. Even when there is enough pressure to activate the unit, a constant flow of water is required to maintain the desired temperature. One of these days I hope to take a shower when the theory works rather than when reality works. In the meanwhile, dancing to too cold or too hot of water is the norm. We call it the "flash shower head dance". Sorry, there will be no pictures of this stange event!!

We discovered this evening that as we walk down the streets of Puyo, kids call out our names from public bus windows and from front yards. Nice thing is that it is really our name as compared to the names some Florida drivers call us. One little girl even starting singing the "Good Morning" song MJ taught.


Anonymous said...

We are impressed with your showerhead. Always glad to hear from you. We have been printing out your reports for those such as Bob and Edie and Millie and Phyllis. Fred tried but Duane succeeded in showing us how to print out less than 8 pages at a time when we only want 1 or 2. Duane also said how comments should go without Google. So we are trying again. Best regards, Nancy & Bob P.S. Bob says that Omer's comments on the amount of rain and the animals would infer that he thought he was the second coming of Noah. Remember, no more 40 days & nights of rain.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the dance is for you and Mary Jane! I leave at 3:00 a.m. tomorrow morning for Dog Lake. I will be gone a week. Phyllis will be here at home.

Love, Eldon and Phyllis

Anonymous said...

Never a dull moment at your household. Omer your explaintion's of events are so clear.
A picture of the shower head would be good.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing your shower dance looks somewhat like Amanda's pee pee dance!!! When she does her little dance I jump up really quick. = )
We look forward to seeing your dance when you come to visit in Dec.
Marcie and Amanda = )

Anonymous said...

Finally tuned in to the blog and caught up. Very interesting concerning schedules, laid back life style (the citizens) and the beautiful fauna due to the rain forest. Of course being an opportunist and catching dinner and butchering it while at work could be a plus. Stay dry 1
Don and Phyllis

Anonymous said...

I have been reading all about your new adventure. JR gave me the info so I could read about. I am glad I won't be getting a phone call from you telling me how nice and warm it is this morning. I woke up to a chilly 35 degrees this morning. It is freezing for me. I hope everything keeps going good for you and I will keep reading about your adventures.

Anonymous said...

Omer and MJ, Your point of use water heater are evidently quite different from the ones we were considering mounting under the kitchen sink!!!
St Paul's campus is getting a grooming, all the palm trees, oaks and at least 7 of the large pines around CDC are coming down.
Have a relaxing weekend, Dorothy and Duane

Anonymous said...

So if you stick to bottled water, fresh pineapple, and flavored yogurt, you will both lose weight and save money. The metric versus standard measurements takes me back to Addis Ababa where Nathan's birth weight was listed as about 3000 grams. We had to do the math to figure out that was about 7 lbs.