Saturday, February 16, 2008

Long Term School Review

After a two and a half hour meeting this morning with the senior pastor, principal, asst. principal and translator, it seems we may be on a new and long path at the school.
There is a willingness on the part of the senior pastor to explore the concept of a school board (junta in Spanish).
There is no knowledge or practice in this environment of how a junta would work. My first task is to write up a set of rules as to how a well functioning junta would work. So we will get started on that and get the list of do´s and don´ts translated. It is important that potential junta members be informed as to how they are expected to behave and function before they accept the appointment. Yes, at least for starters they will be appointed.
We have suggested before that we will not make another year commitment to this project. However, I did agree to come several times a year on a consulting basis. We can also do a lot of work by email and Skype once we get that all set up.
The list of things to do for a total school review boggles the mind, but there is never a short cut to these kinds of things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is great to read about it all. Thanks for the great e-mail. Blessings on you as you continue the process of making this a great school. Eldon