Friday, October 12, 2007

Education Discussion

Our meeting with the school director, assistant director, primary school English teacher and the senior pastor was interesting to say the least. There is a common vocabulary among educators that one assumes will carry the day. That assumption is not valid here.
Things like accreditation, teacher evaluation, job description, monitoring student grades, graduation credits, etc. are all foreign concepts. (no pun intended). So in a discussion, not only is a translator necessary but a general description of the concept has to be given. When the translator is not familiar with the concept, it is even more challenging. So, three hours passed very quickly and we were not even through square one yet.
We did decide to meet again next Friday afternoon for two hours to see where this thing goes. A major problem is to determine where to start. So many things need attention yesterday that the starting point is a challenge. We decided to try to deal with two topic areas. One is an issue that is critical to students and the second is an issue that deals with the adults, ie. parents or teachers.
Oh yes, we will try to do some teaching of English along the way too.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing that something as basic as teacher evaluation is an unheard of topic. Surely some teachers are more highly thought of than others which may lead to contract termination. What is the function of the teachers association? Does the union have any ideas about this topic. Of course many other topics exist. You will have an interesting series of meetings. Don

Anonymous said...

We think this is just the first year of a 10 year job that lies ahead of you. Good luck. We'll take care of the yard and you take care of business! Phil and Jo