Two night later, I heard something drop in the bedroom. MJ got up to turn on the light. The poor rat was frightened half to death by her shout. He got away under a closet.
In the morning, our land lady gave me the trap you see in these pictures. I was half afraid to set it. It is so strong that one slip and my fingers could have been broken. I think you could trap muskrat with this thing.
When we left for school, I had used some bread for bait. Upon arriving at home the trap had done its work. The rat was a dandy. We keep the trap set. However, the land lady is suggesting this is indeed a rare visit. WE HOPE SO!
There is a crack under the front door for a creature to slip in. Also, an exterior window is always open. We live with the ventilation and hope for no more guests via under the door or through the open window.
We saw our first Hourani lady this morning walking across from our apartment. She must have been about 70. Age is difficult to estimate. In any case, she would have been a part of the Hourani tribe when the 5 missionaries were killed 50 years ago. For those of you who have seen the movie End of the Spear, you will know what I am talking about
We often discuss your blog at break when we are at work. Tomorrow at 10 if your nose is itching you will know we are discussing the latest rat story.
You know this time of the year in the midwest as the weather gets colder the varmints begin to look for a warm home. I cannot imagine in your warm climate the same incentive exists for varmints. Looks like a sturdy trap. Glad your side won. Don
Hey! I have been reading your blog daily since Trent told me about it at sectionals! It's great to be able to see what you guys are up to.
After reading this post, I may not complain as much about my little mice! I think I may have done a little more than scream!
Take Care and look forward to keeping up with your going ons.
I would hate to think what could come in through the open window.
MJ not sure what I would have done when seeing a rat. Like one said a mouse is bad enough!
OH RATS!! They are everywhere, unfortunately. One of the biggest well fed rats I ever saw was at Sam's Club at 7:30 a.m. When I reported it to the manager he said, "Yes Ma'am, we need to call the exterminator to reset the traps." A good cat, of course is an alternative to your vermin problem.
Hey, one night in an outstation, in a jut along the airstrip, I killed a rat with a shoe. One shot did the job and even in the dark! Why do you need a trap? Wow, your stories are great.
Love, Eldon and Phyllis
Well you pull off wings and legs and eat bugs, just don't tell me this critter tastes like chicken....I don't think I could handle hearing this could be another "delicacy"
The rat really woke up the remarks.
Have any D-con? pb
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