OK, Carnival is over which means, among other things we get internet back in operation. Carnival is such a big deal here that most everything of a business nature comes to a halt including four days of no internet any where in the town of Puyo. Internet is still very slow tonight as many people are back on and getting caught up on news, etc.
The other big news is that the volcano about 30 miles away is blowing. A big erruption ocurred during the night last night. Those readers who are really interested in this should type the name of the volcano, Tungurahua, into the news section of google.com. There is plenty of information on it now. We understand the road to by the volcano that leads eventually to Quito is closed not because it is covered but because the danger is great enough that an erruption to come at any time.
We are again very busy with school with some interesting break throughs. More about that later.
We continue to pray for those break throughs!
Eldon and Phyllis
For those that just want to click a link, Click Here for the latest News about the Tungurahua Volcano.
Hello from North Port! We are beginning to get caught up. (There are over 200 emails in our in box.) By its name, I would have guessed that volcano was on some island in the South Pacific, but I'll bet it's not so romantic when it's only 30 miles away. We thought you were working and here you are at Carnival. We want to see pictures of you two with big sombrero's on!
We had an Ash Wednesday service at St. Paul's last night. Soup, sandwich and fellowship. We enjoyed it. There were a lot of questions about the Troyers and wishes and prayers for your good health and continued success. Pastor Wayne, in his "talk" (which he did not characterize as a sermon, pointed out that a couple of surveys had recently showed that about 60% of us christians were not "growing" as christians as we grew older. We are no more "Christlike" now than we were when we were children. Something to think about. But I don't think it applies to you. You two are in the other 40% if anybody is.
Hope you are both well and enjoying your mission.
Fred & Marion
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