Pictured above is MJ's co-teacher, Debora. This is her first year of teaching. It has been a growing experience for her in many ways. She is also our main translator when it comes to speaking to the school "powers that be." She also translate during our sessions with the teaching staff.

These kids are in Pre-Kinder. While studying animals and insects, the teacher paints the creatures on kids faces. They love it!!

There are only four girls out of the 12 students in this class. They know their colors, numbers to 10, shapes and toys.

The teacher shown below is an excellent teacher with the little kids. She has a lot of creative ideas. She uses music and dance as well as art and drama to get her points across. She also speaks English fairly well. Because they don't have children's music, she was thankful and very interested in a series of children's music CD's we brought which were in both English and Spanish. Amazing what a $10 investment can do.
The teacher is really creative and talented. Those kids are made up and you can see it bringing out their imagination . I am impressed. Don
Great pictures. Thanks.
The pictures are great!!! The teacher sure seems to know how to "reach" her students. Having been a teacher associate in an at-risk pre-school (in my second career), I certainly appreciate her efforts. Thanks for sharing with us. Marcia
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