One of the "cultural problems" that we have which is a serious educational problems is that parents do the work and the work appears with the student name on it. The poster shown is that of a pre-Kinder student (age 4). Obviously the work is done by the parents.
There are two basic problems with this. First, this begins a pattern that will continue through high school. There are just no questions asked at all about parents doing the work in the name of the student.
The second problem is that students become dependent on their parents to do the work. A "good" parent will see to it that homework is done one way or another. I have concluded that in a culture where who you know is more important than what you know, this really doesn't cause any problem.
Now after all of this, will a reader send me the definition of "academic integrity".
Try "integridad academica". That is a literal translation, but I think it might work. We just got home this afternoon and we did make it to Puerto Rico! Love to you both. We are praying for you and will read further after we get through our own mail. I go to work tomorrow. Eldon
I had time this morning to read more of your blog. I am sorry for the pick pocketing experience. We have all learned the hard way! Unfortunately, I had to learn it after my wife's warning. No, she wasn't the pick-pocket. Fortunately I only lost cash! Eldon
Hey Omer, was wondering if I could borrow a few of those parents. I have a couple of papers to write to complete the course on the Gospel of John.
Walk Worthy !!
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