Another assumption that we make in the US is that sidewalks are for walking on. Wrong! We even assume that sidewalks should be free of any hazard that might cause a person to fall. The person walking here has all the liability. Simply put "watch where you are going!"

This series of pictures is designed to show that sidewalks are not just for pedestrians. Businesses often overflow into the sidewalk area. It is up to the walker to go around whatever is in the way. The picture above shows the "right" of the business owner to build a ramp fully across the sidewalk. Don't trip!!

The city will place a utility pole where ever necessary. Often this is in the middle of the sidewalk. This also give a place for people to lean against and small group conversations can totally block the sidewalk.

Construction work requires no warnings or barricades. Certainly you can see that construction is going on and so the walker should beware.
Diminished regulations is not all bad. Here in Des Moines some city council members want to regulate (out of business) vendors who sell out of trailers or vans. Most of these vendors are from another culture who see opportunity to make a living. Our hyper- civilized citizens see a less than neat landscape and want to get rid of these enterprises. Sad. Don
I take it you've hit your shin? Hopefully not.
Marcie = )
Ya, you got it right. No rights for the walker! Just watch out as you have said. We kind of miss it!
Eldon and Phyllis
Guess we take a lot of things for granted over here? Just wanted to let you know that Irene Trotter passed away @ age 92. We had seen her in the hospital some time ago when a friend of ours happen to be her roommate. Also wanted to let you know that Ted had bypass surgery on his groin area two wks ago. He is doing well but on some blood thinning medicine that seems to make him extra tired. Took a vein out of his arm to patch it. Had it done at U because Mercy didn't think they could handle it. Hope you are both doing well and love the pics of the plants and trees-of course! Love-MaC
Apparently there are cultures within cultures. We invite anyone living in the U.S.A. to come to almost any small town in New Mexico and experience similar elements of sidewalks as those in your pictures.
If you don't warn somone that they may trip over construction work being done, then what are the lawyers going to do? I bet that you don't have warnings on your coffee cups that the contents may be hot either.
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