These pics were taken within a block of our home. However, damage was fairly wide spread. There is a lot of "basic" construction and so when a wind does come along, things fly. Tin roofs are a major target.
Poor construction is one thing. However, trees here are often not deeply rooted and are in rain-soaked soil and volcanic rock. This picture shows the root system of a tree which fans out near the surface. A blast of wind ends the life of the tree.
All of this left us without electricity for about six hours. The utility company responded fairly quickly. There was just a lot of limbs, tin, etc. that knocked a lot of lines down. In general, the wind was an ordinary wind that comes before a Midwest rainstorm.
1 comment:
The results of that storm remind me of the story of the 3 little pigs and the wolf. I'm glad your home though small is one of the substantial ones. Housekeeping should be easy. Those kids playing on the slide appear to be preschool age. Pretty bright kids as they used another board to sit on so as not to wear out their clothes or get splinters. Looks like their shoes do not always fit too well either judging from their toes. Don
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