Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Teaching Teachers

Had our first group of teachers and staff tonight for an English class. We had a total of ten people show up. It went reasonably well. I included way too much vocabulary. Will have to do a lot of review next week. Tomorrow night, group two shows up.

It makes a very full day. Ecuadorian time does not allow us to start at promptly 4:00. Then one of the teachers brought along a daughter that stayed and asked for help with her English . That took another hour. Yes, we came here to help out so stop complaining!

Looks like I will be solo next week. My co-teacher is taking another job. Can´t wait to see what kind of a co-teacher they replace him with. For sustainability of the program it is very important that a good teacher come in and listen to the pronounciation for a year. Oh well, another¨wait and see¨.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taking another job in addition to this one or leaving for good? Sounds like good help is hard to find/keep. Good luck on your replacement teacher.