Thursday, November 15, 2007

Christmas Season?????

Now that we have reached mid-November, Christmas starts to show up in most places. We thought it was a bit of a change to experience Christmas in Florida. Many of the ït is really not Christmas¨shows up even more here. The weather has not changed. The length of days has not changed. Although there are some Christmas trees showing up in some of the shops, it appears the commercialization is much more limited here. First, there are basically no department stores and supermarkets as we know them in the US. We will wait to see what emerges as a Christmas push as we move into December. Yesterday we were told that turkey is very expensive (like $50 for a large one) here and may only be eaten at Christmas. We will see. When they heard our price of turkeys, we had volunteers to come to Florida to eat turkey.

We did have another normal day. That is two in a row! Hopefully, we can finish the week with three in a row. Normal also means that traffic is back to normal after the strike. I don´t know who ¨won¨ in the strike issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love an environment with fewer singing reindeer and fat dancing Santas when I enter a store. And we've had it going since October!