Monday, November 19, 2007

That Grading System!

Grading students continues to be a story that bugs us, to say the least. The second set of grades are due for this semester. There are three sets of grades per semester.
Today after school the first set of grades were due. The school has a new software package that basically acts as a recording form, although I understand that the full capabilities of the software includes spreadsheet calculating abilities.
Only one teacher entered grades. The remainder will do them on the standard "tomorrow". I did see teachers working on grades and saw some of the same math violations, taking only two grades for the period and the "dart board" system of grading. I am not sure how we are ever going to get a handle on a uniform SYSTEM.
The weather has finally dried out a bit. We see sunshine and upper 70's this afternoon although it was raining at daybreak.


Anonymous said...

Do your students take any national tests at the end of the year? What about No Child Left Behind in Ecuador?

Anonymous said...

Hey, it was 71 here today. At least that is what the outside temperature read in my car! No winners with the strikes! And by the way, most long-term residents in Ecuador have experience earthquakes. You are now long-term! We will be praying about Thursday's meeting. Love, Eldon and Phyllis

Anonymous said...

We reached the upper 60's and went out for a walk this afternoon. I just put light jackets on the kids and Trent and I didn't need a coat at all. Sounds like all the nice weather is going to come to a screeching halt by the end of the week. We shall see.
Love you!
Marcie = )

Anonymous said...

We could use some of your rain. It seems like years since we had any. Its foggy this morning has been all week then the sun comes out for a very nice day, lower 70's. Will save you some left over turkey.