This was the second day of "rural children" day camp. We will comment based on the pictures. a highlight of the day was when we rode the bus to deliver the children home. We never got more than about eight miles from Puyo. The picture above shows a cement bridge we decided NOT to cross with our large bus. The outside duals would have hung off the edge of the bridge. Two teachers got out to examine the situation and decided that if the driver wanted to cross the bridge, they weren't riding. That made the driver decide to turn around.

The place where we turned around was a small house and some out buildings with a few animals and turkeys. This picture gives you an idea of the clearing.

This picture shows "the road not taken". Would have been fun to venture up this one, but the bridge didn't allow.

The rural kids were delightful. They so appreciated the camp facilities. It was obvious that many had not played on a swing and slide much. The large assembly hall and the camp facilities were a thing of awe to many. They thanked us for the day.

Kids represented their individual rural schools in the sports competitions. Great team spirit!!

The large covered facilities were just right for mass team competitions. Notice the forest background.
One quick story. Yesterday a 10 year old boy was watching me on the bus ride home. When I spoke to my co-teacher in English, this kid's eyes locked on me and never left for about thirty minutes. It was truly a "meet the creature" moment for the kid.
Omer & Mary Jane
I enjoy your stories and reading about each day. Hope you Dad is resting comfortably and we will pray for him. Take Care
Dave & Sheri Herold
Beautiful kids, well dressed, clean and well nourished. Did you see any cultivated fields where grain is grown? Those were beautiful turkeys. Did you see any livestock? Very interesting.
The pictures look much clearer. Like you got a new camera or something. :-)
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